The Power Of Giving- Author, Cami Walker: 29 Gifts

The Organic View show

Summary:   They say the true gift is not in receiving but in the act of giving. When Cami Walker was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she knew the life she had known would be changed forever. A close friend of hers named Mbali Creazzo, who was an African medicine woman, suggested that she do something different. She suggested that instead of focusing on herself and focusing on the negatives in her life, to focus on the positives, offering her a very unusual prescription. She told her to give away 29 gifts in 29 days. She told her “healing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, Cami, but through our interactions with other people.” In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will talk to Cami Walker author of the New York Times bestseller, 29 Gifts, about her journey to wellness and how she inspired an entire wellness movement called the 29-Day Gift Giving Challenge, Changing Lives One Gift At A Time! Stay tuned!