Lead Safe America: What You Need To Know To Get The Lead Out

The Organic View show

Summary:   Most people trust that when they send their kids to school, they are going to be safe. There is also a sense of security while in your own home. What if you were unaware of an environmental hazard that lurked within the walls? This is exactly what happened to Tamara Rubin whose kids were poisoned by the work of a painting contractor in Portland, Oregon in 2005.  They inhaled fumes while a painting contractor used an open flame torch to remove the old lead paint off of their historic home to prepare it for painting. Her son Cole, was poisoned by lead dust at a private school in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area in 2007. In 2009 her young infant son, Charlie, tested positive for low levels of lead in his blood even with no specific source of exposure. Sadly, these children are just a few of countless others who have no idea that they have been poisoned. Thankfully, there is help and that is available! The Lead Safe America Foundation provides emergency intervention and support to families all over the country who have found out their children have been poisoned by lead in their homes. There are many causes of lead poisoning - but most of the paths of inquiry lead to two primary sources: lead from dust caused by house paint and lead from soil that has been contaminated as a result of lead used as an additive to gasoline. Their goal is to reach out to families across America to educated them about the dangers of lead poisoning, the symptoms, course of action as well as prevention. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will talk to the Executive Director of Lead Safe America, Tamara Rubin. Stay tuned!