Dr. Steve Levin talks Juno – SpacePod 2011.05.31

Spacevidcast HD show

Summary: Right after the final launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour, we were fortunate to get a personal tour of Juno, the next NASA Spacecraft to go to Jupiter. Dr. Steve Levin sat down with us to talk about the science behind the mission and why Juno is so awesome! Juno is slated to lift off from Kennedy Space Center later this year. You can follow the mission on their Twitter account @NASAJuno. A special thanks to @NASAJim for setting this up and getting us access to this awesome craft. Spacevidcast epic subscribers have access to the full 10 minute interview featuring additional data on the science and people behind Juno. Head over to Spacevidcast.com/epic to sign in to your account or sign up today. In addition to getting more of this interview we have gigabytes and gigabytes of additional content from interviews to mission downloadables and more! Spacevidcast epic helps keep the videos from Spacevidcast flowing! Get your space geek on and sign up today! The epic enhanced version of this SpacePodis in the large video window above. If you would like to see the public version of this video, it i embedded below: