Separating from Sin

Calvary Community Church Sunday AM show

Summary: Experience God restoring from sin. Every day for four months Ezra publically read God’s Word. This public out-pouring blessed the returning people restoring Jerusalem, especially as His Word; [1] arrived and began its work in the people; to teach God’s truth and power to confront a sin amongst the people; [2] the Word draws out personal sorrow and conviction of un-confessed sin; [3] they arose quickly to confession; [4] getting restoring to God through repentance and change. A powerful lesson of confession and a guide to strengthen our prayers for other; especially a believer we know who has fallen into sin and we choose to wait before reaching out. Sin is not isolated from others in our lives; it can engulf others in ways we do not see. Imagine a warning that lets us experience the ugly side of sin, before we step in the wrong direction.