SNS Presents TNA Final Resolution 2012 now archived


Summary: As the year comes to an end, Sunday Night Showdown returned to the airwaves covering TNA’s final Pay Per View of the year, Final Resolution! The BronxFather needed a cohost and by God he got one as The Power Andy Knowles came out of retirement to join Bronxy for this special edition of Sunday Night Showdown! The boys covered what turned out to be an excellent pay per view offering by TNA, with the ending leaving us guessing what will happen on this Thursday’s edition of Impact Wrestling. It’s the Power Andy Knowles as you’ve never heard him before, talking about everything from Impact to politics to prostate exams. Yes, prostate exams! Unless you hear this archive, you won’t even begin to understand! As Final Resolution went off the air, the hosts took phonecalls and got opinions from the listeners before closing the broadcast, where Andy took us out as only he can with some familiar music! It was a blast from the past, a prelude to the present, and a wild and hilarious ride to the future for Sunday Night Showdown, presenting it’s final TNA pay per view coverage of 2012!<br> <a href=""></a><br>