Elite Force Podcast 12-9-12 now archived


Summary: The Whole Trek Fan Base has been at<br> a buzz Over The Star Trek Into darkness<br> Teaser from this Past Week and after<br> Hearing from One of the Debate The Weekend<br> Elite Force Podcast returns to Look at the<br> other Side.<br> Amongst This Episode Discussions<br> .Chris Jones From Chris Jones Gaming<br> and Mindwipe Gives Their Views on the<br> Trek Teaser<br> .Walkie and Mindwipe review<br> Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock<br> .A New Look For The TARDIS<br> .The Hosts Review Halo 4<br> Forward Unto Dawn Review<br> We Welcome any Feedback on anything you heard<br> Via E-mail over at weekend@eliteforcepodcast<br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/EFP_12912Pod.png"></a><br>