Dhammapada and the Jataka Tales; 25-February-2008 (Day 4 of 7; Afternoon) - Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast

Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast show

Summary: Many accomplished beings have arisen as a result of the teachings the Buddha gave more than 2500 years ago. They overcame the disturbing emotions that give us trouble and which are rooted in ignorance. An example of our ignorance is the way we almost instinctively respond to pleasant and unpleasant objects either avidly wanting them or wishing to be rid of them. Disturbing emotions have no long term remedy other than understanding of emptiness. His Holiness continues to read from the Jataka tales that cite incidents in the former lives of the Buddha, when he was still a bodhisattva, that retain a moral for today. Repeatedly he engaged in significant acts of generosity and was an exemplar of virtue. During the tea breaks, His Holiness resumes the transmission of the Songs of Milarepa that he has been giving steadily for the last two or three years.