Commentary on Bodhicitta and The Middling Stages of Meditation; 2-October-2008 (Day 3 of 5; Morning) - Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast

Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast show

Summary: His Holiness focuses on bodhicitta generated from the seed of compassion watered by the true wisdom that counters obsessive self-cherishing. He explains the rational for generating bodhicitta by “equalizing and exchanging” narrow egoism for a mind that cherishes others and how that replaces the causes of suffering with true joy based on verses 73-89 of Nagarjuna’s text. Turning to Kamalashila’s text, His Holiness explains the methodical process for generating an aspiration for bodhicitta and strengthening that mind into the genuine/spontaneous determination, the entrance into the Bodhisattva path.