Free Intutive Readings and a Chat with Heather Woodward

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Summary: Join Julie Hoffenberg, author of "The Healing Patch Cookbook," as she discusses Heather Woodward's latest book: "Ghosts of Central Arizona." The focus of our discussion will revolve around the experiences Heather had as she traveled throughout Arizona doing research for her book. Many of the places Heather stopped were considered to be some of the most high-vibration and spiritual places in the world! While the title may sounds scary, Heather's book is actually a very funny, realistic, and fresh look at both ghost town rumors and places such as Sedona, thought to be a mecca for spiritual healers. Join us for a chat about how to get a little more connected to your intuitive side, and feel free to call in for a free intuitive reading during the second half of the show. See you there!