Gearing Up to Fight Right to Work for Less in Michigan

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Starting @ 11AM ET, we'll have two special guests discussing what are the next steps against Fighting Right to Work in Michigan. Our first guest State Represenative Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) will discuss what occurred in Lansing on Thursday from a legislators point of view, and other pending measures MI GOP's plan on ramming though, in the lame duck session. Next, we're pleased to welcome Statewide Coordinator of Rainbow Push-Michigan, Rev. D. Alexander Bullock. Rev. Bullock will discuss the organizations' rally in Detroit on Monday, Dec. 10th against Right to Work bill and other state political manners. Independent Underground Radio  LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Weekend Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics and more. Host Monica R-W the owner/writer for the popular I.U, News website, an experienced grassroots and elected local political leader.   Tune into I.U. Radio LIVE Weekend Political Talk on Saturday and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM-1:00PM EDT & call with your robust opinions at 347-934-0185. Also, join us on Twitter @IUNewsTalk.