HOWB 064 – Interview: Wendy Hinman; Woodenboat Blue Water Sailor, Author, and Self Confessed Tightwad!

Hooked On Wooden Boats Podcast | Celebrating the Art, Craft, History & Tradition of Wooden Vessels Worldwide show

Summary: PODCAST SHOW NOTES Wendy grew up the daughter of a Navy dentist, who made frequent military moves.  When her dad was given an assignment in Hawaii, Wendy's parents bought a Cal '27 sailboat and enrolled the entire family in sailing lessons.  At the age of 7, Wendy was getting her sea legs sailing the Hawaiian Islands.  Next, Wendy's family moved to Washington, DC and began sailing the Chesapeake Bay on a Catalina '30.  Soon Wendy was teaching sailing utilizing the advanced skills she had learned as a youth. Wendy's husband Garth also grew up in a sailing family.  In fact, during his youth, Garth spent 5 years circumnavigating the world with his parents and siblings. Their trip included a shipwreck in Fiji and other extreme adventures and all navigation was celestial (can you spell sextant?). It's not surprising that early in their marriage, Garth and Wendy made plans for their own blue water extravaganza.  The first order of business was to save money and pay off their home so they could "get away" for several years and live off the modest $1,000 per month their home would rent for.  In 1998 they bought a 31' Tom Wylie designed cold molded cutter - Velella - and 2 years later they were off on their 7 year, 34,000 mile adventure around the Pacific.  Wendy has chronicled their blue water undertaking in her newly released book - Tightwads On the Loose: A Seven Year Pacific Odyssey.  You can also check out Wendy's website: Click on green player button above to listen to the interview and find out more about Wendy & Garth and their blue water adventures. Here's some pics to enjoy (click to enlarge):         Thanks Wendy for taking time for the interview.  Best to you and Garth, and Velella!   Wooden Boat Hack of the Week - #9 - Purchase and Organize Equipment, Materials and Supplies in Advance So you want to build a wooden boat?  After selecting the boat to build and preparing a budget for your new boat you will want to do some planning for equipment, material and supplies. Start with the following: List of equipment and tools needed - saws, planes, rasps, wrenches, screwdrivers, power tools, squares, etc. List of supplies needed - glues, epoxies, fasteners, paint, varnish, brushes, sandpaper (the list goes on and on) List of materials needed - lumber, plywood, fiberglass cloth, hardware, etc. Next, organize your project into phases (on paper) and determine which equipment, supplies and materials you will need for each phase of the project.  Then purchase at least enough products to finish one complete phase of the project.  The last thing you want is to run out of a part or supply while you have some project momentum going - and have to wait a week or two to order and receive the part. HOWB Produces First Video Interview I have produced the first ever HOWB video interview.  The interview is with Lloyd Shugart of Seattle, WA and he owns and is restoring a Ed Monk Sr. designed bridgedeck beauty.  Check out  the video here: WANT TO HELP?  PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK! I want to build a community of people from all over the world who want to connect, learn, share stories and photos, and have fun with wooden boats. I would REALLY appreciate you sending me wooden boats pics, stories, or projects you are working on. You can also write comments on this blog, email me at, or call my feedback hotline at 424 261-2360. Click HERE to subscribe to my email news list for the latest and greatest fun stuff and click on one of the buttons below to subscribe to my show. Keep the bright side up and the barnacled side down - Wooden Boat Dan "over and out"! Subscribe to the Hooked On Wooden Boats Podcast here: