Podcast: David Suzuki’s Queen of Green on the Holidays

Strocel.com Podcast show

Summary: Last week I told you that I’d be re-sharing the first part of my interview with the amazing Marcy Axness today. I’m reneging on my promise. This week I scored a last-minute interview with Tovah Paglaro, a.k.a. David Suzuki’s Queen of Green. We had a great chat about greening your holiday season, and I wanted to share it with you sooner rather than later. If you’ve left your house at all in the past month or so – and even if you haven’t – you can’t have failed to notice that Christmas is rapidly approaching. Bing Crosby is crooning while I do my grocery shopping, there’s a festive tree in my dentist’s office, and my daughter is practicing for the school holiday concert around the clock. We’re all shopping and baking and negotiating arrangements for the holiday meal. But, as it turns out, all of this celebrating comes at a big of a cost to the planet. Our consumption has a carbon footprint. All those presents in brightly-coloured packages mean a lot of garbage on Christmas morning. And when we cook enough to feed an army and don’t end up eating it all, that impacts the planet, too. As the David Suzuki Foundation‘s green living expert, I could think of no one better than Tovah to ask about how to make the holiday season a little bit greener. We talked about taking steps to reduce consumption and waste. We talked about preserving the magic of the holiday – especially for our children – without trashing the planet. We talked about setting green New Year’s resolution, and she shared the Queen of Green’s holiday wish. If you’d like some practical, manageable tips for making your holiday season a little less commercial and a lot more meaningful, I encourage you to listen to the podcast: Over the next two weeks on the Strocel.com podcast I’ll be re-sharing my interview with Marcy Axness, author of Parenting for Peace. Our conversation was so amazing that I had to break it up into two parts. We covered a lot of ground, and I had a lot of my parenting pre-conceptions challenged. I’ve listened to the conversation many times myself, and I can tell you that I’ve learned something from Marcy each time. Subscribe to the Strocel.com podcast in iTunes, and you won’t miss a minute! Also, if you have a podcast idea, please share it with me. I’d love to hear your suggestions!