Donna Smith on the Supreme Court, Staff Nurse Assembly and Dr Lesley Anderson, Knee Expert | April 14, 2012 | Show 444 » Listen show

Summary: Coming Up Casey and crew rotate different co-host finalists through the show. Talk about being thrown into the fire! They were all champions and we thank each and everyone who auditioned or sent in their letter of interest. Next week we will introduce you all to our newly selected co-host. We do manage to talk to our friend Donna Smith about the recent Supreme Court healthcare hearings, the upcoming May 18th Staff Nurse Assembly in Chicago (get ready to rumble) lets see—dancing in the streets, flash mobs and of course some serious business as well. Dr. Lesley Anderson joins us to talk about the number one cause of knee problems, the treatments and how they have advanced and a “fresh blood platelet” treatment that is used very successfully on shoulders and knees. “I’ll have a chef’s salad and some of those “fresh blood platelets.” Check it out.