Friday Fix: The Sigler Surlies are here!

Scott Sigler Audiobooks show

Summary: Click here to download FRIDAY FIX: Sigler Surlies! Junkies, ARealGirl here. I'm super excited to announce the new Siger Surlies!  What's a "Surly," you ask? That is the brand-name of creations by "Surly" Amy Davis-Roth, ceramics artist and entrepreneur. She just launched a line of pendants that capture the world of Siglerism. Click here to see all the goodies. That black-and-white picture is me and Surly Johnny (the FDØ's official body-double) modeling the "Dead=Dead" pendants. The color picture at right is none other than Surly Amy herself. Surly Amy is a big fan of Scott's work. She approached us with a request to license the images so she could create super-cool stuff. This works out well, as the FDØ and I are big fans of her work; we were both  excited at the opportunity to make more cool stuff available to the Junkies. So listen to the interview if you like, it's clear that Surly Amy just another Junkie (who also happens to make kick-ass stuff). Check out the good, y'all!