Episode 74-Pemmican-The First Fast Food

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: Believe it or not, there is a fantastic nutritional product that dates back to the ancient past made up of simple jerky, berries, and nuts that every modern-day survival/preparedness junkie should know about.  It's called "pemmican" and it is simply one of the best food options for a survival situation I can think of. Used as an instant high-energy boost during long journeys or times of war by our ancestors, pemmican is something you simply have to know about and is so simple to make that it should be one of those things you tuck away in your brain "for a rainy" day. In this episode I introduce you to pemmican, describe its history, and share with you how to make this wonderful and extremely useful culinary item. (NOTE: At roughly the 13 minute mark of this episode there is some static interference that comes and goes for the last seven minutes of the episode.  The episode is still listenable but does take a little more effort.  Just FYI... )