Episode 80-The (Roughly) $100 Monthly Grocery Challenge

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: The usefulness of this episode is going to depend on whether you can buy into the rather outlandish notion that a family of four could come close to getting all of their groceries for a month for the tidy sum of $100.  That may seem like an impossibility given the recent rise in food prices around the world, but I bet there are some coupon clippers out there that are able to do that fairly frequently.  For the Chipper and his family, we have been able to come quite close to $100 for our monthly food budget on occasion by following a few of the tips I outline in today's show. Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone can do that, am I?  Well, perhaps not....  However, by merely thinking about ways to trim your monthly food budget and acting on it you'll surely help your family save some money that can go towards other preps. And isn't that worth $100?  :)