Episode 89-Wilderness Hazards (and Midterm Election Predictions)

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: It's November 1st.  How crazy is that?  Didn't 2010 just get underway?  Oh well....  Since it's the beginning of November it also means that the Midterm Elections in the US are tomorrow.  So...  Although I try to keep this show relatively politics-free I did use the first 8-9 minutes of today's show to make my predictions so that you can all laugh at me on Wednesday if I'm way off or be awed by my prescience if I get it right.  If you'd rather not spend time on that, just fast-forward to around the 9 minute mark or so.... The bulk of this long-ish 49 minute episode is about things you can do to prepare for various wilderness hazards ranging from high winds to flash floods to lightning strikes to plague-carrying squirrels (no, I'm not kidding about the squirrels... why do you ask?) Hope you all find it interesting and informative. :)