Episode 95-Mobile Retreats (Part Two of Three)

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: In Part One of this three-episode arc about "retreats" I discussed many of the general aspects of setting up a survival retreat.  I also covered the planning for such an effort and some of the questions you need to ask before going down such a path. In today's episode I talk about how to accomplish the same things as a retreat but in ways that retain as much mobility and flexibility as possible.  I cover the "retreat-in-a-bag" backpack, survival vehicles ranging from bikes to motorhomes, the use of pack animals, and some advantages of boats as mobile survival retreats.  Admittedly, I bounce around a bit and there's quite a bit of my own insights and opinions squeezed into this episode, but the hope is always to get you thinking about your own situation and any scenarios you might one day have to face. Tomorrow will be the final episode in this arc regarding Group Retreats.  :)