Episode 97-SPECIAL WEEKEND EDITION-Survival Old Time Radio-Theater 5-

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: Growing up I loved to listen to old time radio shows with my dad.  He introduced me to many of the classics ranging from Fibber McGee and Molly to X Minus One to Dragnet and scores of others.  Often we would listen to these shows on Saturday nights and since we didn't have a TV until I was in fifth grade, it was a type of entertainment I very much looked forward to. So...  Flashforward a few decades later and now your friend Chip got to thinking that it would be fun to track down old shows with survival and preparedness themes and present them to you along with a teensy bit of commentary as a special Saturday Night program treat for my listeners.  If you like old time radio, you'll really enjoy this weekly experiment.  If you don't, well, give it a try.  You might like it after all. :) Today's episode is from a 1960s OTR program called Theater Five.  It is entitled "The House of Cards".