Episode 269-Survival Lessons from the Titanic

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: On today's show we look back roughly 100 years ago at the events of April 14/15, 1912 when the World's Greatest Luxury Liner slipped beneath the waves taking over 1500 souls with it.  We consider the implications of that event, how it shocked the world into a new era (that accelerated with the coming of World War I two years later) and what we in the modern age can learn from this dreadful occurrence.  (Also, remember, as I discussed yesterday much of life is about perspective. The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.) Manual Download Link: http://jumbofiles.com/tbfhamdk8nw1 Link to the Youtube video discussed on the episode Music for today's episode from the Internet Archive and used under the Creative Commons License Please stop by and register at our forum located at: http://chipmonk.forumotion.com/ Don't forget to check out our blog at http://thechippermonk.blogspot.com