TVx3 E161: The Homeland Suburgatory Dead Revolution

TV times Three Podcast show

Summary: On episode 161, Jason (@<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="View theTVaholic's Twitter Profile">theTVaholic</a>) is joined by Mekeisha Madden Toby (@<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="View mekeishamadto's Twitter Profile">mekeishamadto</a>) of the <a href="" title="TV Madness Podcast With Mekeisha Madden Toby |">TV Madness Podcast</a> and <a href="" title="MSN TV |">MSN TV</a> and Myles McNutt (@<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="View memles's Twitter Profile">memles</a>) from <a href="" title="">Cultural Learnings</a> and <a href=",60667/" title="">A.V. Club</a> to discuss some TV news and recent episodes of Revolution, Suburgatory, The Good Wife, Homeland and The Walking Dead, and a TV on DVD pick. (Start times of each segment/topic)<br> News (00:01:14)<br> We talked about the following three news stories:<br> <br> * <a href="" title="The CW Cancels Emily Owens, M.D. |">The CW Cancels Emily Owens, M.D.</a><br> * <a href="" title="MTV Cancels The Inbetweeners |">MTV Cancels Inbetweeners</a><br> * <a href="" title="AMC Bringing Back The Killng for Season 3 |">AMC Un-Cancels The Killing; Season 3 Premieres in May</a><br> <br> Primetime (00:22:12)<br> We talked about the following five shows:<br> <br> * Revolution – S.1 Ep.10, “Nobody’s Fault But Mine” – Midseason Finale (00:22:15)<br> * Suburgatory – S.2 Ep.6, “Friendship Fish” (00:30:54)<br> * The Good Wife – S.4 Ep.10, “Battle of the Proxies” (00:40:06)<br> * Homeland – S.2 Ep.10, “Broken Hearts” (00:49:27)<br> * The Walking Dead – S.3 Ep.8, “Made to Suffer” – Midseason Finale (01:04:29)<br> <br> TV on DVD Picks for Releases on Tuesday, December 11th (01:16:40)<br> <br> * Mekeisha and Myles both picked the HBO series <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=B008CFZQQS&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=tvtimesthree-20">Girls: The Complete First Season</a>.<br> <br> Listen<br> What did you think of the midseason finale of Revolution? Do you watch Suburgatory? What did you think of The Good Wife thus far in season four? How do you think the second season of Homeland will end? What did you think of this week’s guests? Got any questions for us? Let us know in the comments, send us an <a href="">eMail</a>, connect via Twitter @<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="View TVtimesThree's Twitter Profile">TVtimesThree</a>, or <a href="">Like us on Facebook</a>.<br> <a href=";ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fjasonjgriffin-20%2F8010%2F24fc98ec-c419-49f3-be9b-5f386f40b0d8&amp;Operation=NoScript"> Widgets</a><br>