Leveson’s legacy and the future for the British press

The Frontline Club show

Summary: Lord Justice Leveson’s 2,000 page report into the culture, practices and ethics of the press has been met with mixed reactions from the press, politicians and the public. The most divisive suggestion, that the press should have an independent self-regulatory body underpinned by statute has spilt the government. Join us for a reactive debate to discuss the findings and examine what action may be taken, and what implications it would have on the future of the British press. Chaired by Torin Douglas, BBC media correspondent. With: Martin Moore, director of the Media Standards Trust and a founder of the Hacked Off campaign. Rich Peppiatt, writer, broadcaster and former journalist at the Daily Star. His One Rogue Reporter has just shown at the Soho Theatre. Mick Hume, editor-at-large of the online magazine Spiked and author of There Is No Such Thing As A Free Press …and we need one more than ever. Kirsty Hughes, the Chief Executive of Index on Censorship – an international freedom of expression non-governmental organisation. In association with Index on Censorship