FOOC: the Kony film. 17 March, 2012

From Our Own Correspondent show

Summary: A hundred million plus hits on the internet. Our Africa correspondent Andrew Harding on the film about warlord Joseph Kony and why it's received the thumbs down from an audience in Uganda. A group of former paramilitaries and police officers from Northern Ireland have been to South Africa to see how combatants in the apartheid era there are now trying to come to terms with their troubled past -- Fergal Keane joined them. 'A steady pulse of pleasure' as Simon Worrall sails to the fabled Spice Islands in the wake of the great nineteenth century naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace. Joanna Robertson's been to the cinema in Paris seeing how French children are being educated to become the film experts of the future. And Peter Day describes the extraordinary Chinese ghost town -- empty streets, half-finished buildings -- which suggests to some that the great real estate bubble there has finally burst.