Episode 258: Failures At Home and Abroad

Front Porch Political Talk show

Summary: In this episode we talked about the failures of both parties and were joined by a new caller, Naj, and gave an excellent example of how people of different political viewpoints can share some ideas and politely disagree on others.  The failures are happening right now from both parties and in some cases nothing has changed. Click Here to download the podcast, or listen using the Blubrry player (the blue ball on the right of the page). This episode officially starts our 6th season!  With it we launch our new website as well.  We're also working to bring back podcast related merchandise.  Keep an eye on the website for more details! Follow us on Twitter @ECConservative to stay up-to-date with articles and check the website for video comments when they're recorded. If you want to comment on something you can email conservativepodcast@gmail.com, post comments on the website or on our Facebook page. Thanks for listening!