Monday, December 3rd, 2012

cortandfatboy » Podcast show

Summary: Ryan Fleming has every reason to be upset with Bobby on today's show: He forgot to eat, drank too much coffee, and succumbed to the sort of scatterbrained silliness that he apparently thinks is a side-effect of at least three major diseases he has almost zero working knowledge of. But it's gonna take more than a woozy, imbecilic co-host to wreck his day, because he's had one hell of a weekend, one that will change his life forever. Bobby didn't just disappoint Ryan today, either - no, he made Cort's life a little worse today too. 1) He remembered Cort's birthday, and 2) He gave Cort the one gift guaranteed to ruin what life he has left. Other topics include: Alternative methods of car repair. Things you're not supposed to do to Superman if you value your life. The maturation of video game storytelling, and how 2012 marked a huge jump forward on that front. Hobbit fatigue. A bunch of other stuff. Nothing like making sure the first show back from a big write-up in the paper is a disjointed, ridiculous mess. [audio=]