Elite Force Podcast 12-2-12 now archived


Summary: Another Weekend is here and Walkie<br> and Mindwipe returned to Lay the Smack<br> Down on the Morons of SyFy..And That<br> JJ Who Guy<br> Amongst This Episode Discussions<br> .Official Synopsis For Star Trek Into Darkness Revealed<br> .An X-Men Return: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen Are Back<br> .A Review of the 7th Issuse of The Doctor Who/Star Trek TNG<br> Crossover Comic<br> .Walkie Talk about Some things from The new Issuse of Star<br> Trek Ongoing Comic that Left both Hosts Sick<br> .Walkie and Mindwipe Review Battlestar Galactica: Blood &amp; Chrome<br> and How The Morons of Syfy could messs This Up<br> .Walkie Loses his mind about The Upcoming 20th anniversary<br> of Syfy<br> .The Hosts Reads a E-mail from The Canadian Barbarian<br> Chris Husk <br> It Doesn’t Matter When The Weekend Elite Force Podcast<br> Returns <br> We Welcome any Feedback on anything you heard<br> Via E-mail over at weekend@eliteforcepodcast<br> <br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/EFP_12212Pod.png"></a><br>