Jack Benny – Rose of the Rio Grande. 341202

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jack jokes with Don about being a self made man, and about the movies. Mary keeps the movie theme going with a few puns and jokes about the popular film, the Barrets of Wimpole Street. What movie jokes will Frank Parker come up with? Even Don Bester has a word to say on the matter. Feeling the show is in a rut, Jack calls out for a tallent agency to send over a novelty act. Don Besters number is snipped. The well educated Don Bester tries to correct Jack's diction with the proper use of English. The acts from the tallent agent begin to arrive, and a juggler gives Jack a hard time. What does a juggler do on the radio? Isn't his act a little too visual for the listening adience? Frank Parker has his song snipped. Don's number is snipped as well. The play begins, the Rose of the Rio Grande. With heavy sponsor overtones, Jack and his crew present a drama set South of the border. Check out the cast doing bad Spanish accents, poor puns, and running gags involving the tallent agent acts, and more. Is it any good? Who cares, just as long as it's funny. Schlepperman makes an appearance, but will Jack get Rose married off? Note: The juggler makes a crack that his name is WC Jones, in reference to WC Fields. Before turning to comedy, WC Fields was a long time juggler.