Ron Paul Weekly Update - November 24th to November 30th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Obviously, the 2012 campaign is long over, but the liberty movement rolls onward, nonetheless. While Dr. Paul was not making many headlines this week, voices from the political punditry are beginning to speak out in appreciation for the Congressman's service. Unfortunately, these words of tribute are not all in audio/video format (for use in this podcast), but they are notable, nonetheless. Men like <a href="">Steve Forbes</a>, <a href="">Joe Farrah</a>, and even <a href="">Jerome Corsi</a> have all written articles praising the Congressman in the least week or so- and I expect there should be more to come in the next few weeks. As you will hear in this podcast file, Dr. Paul's good friend and House colleague Rep. John Duncan also offered some kind words regarding the Congressman's service live on the House floor! Meanwhile, you will continue to hear the voices of those who have been inspired by Dr. Paul and influenced to work for our cause. It should be noted that the Congressman did <a href="">reportedly</a> clear out his office this week with little fanfare, he's in the process of selling his DC condo, and will be returning to Texas in short order (8(). Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> (0:00) Author Charles Goyette talks about Ron Paul's farewell speech with WAFS 1190 AM's (Atlanta, GA) Alan Butler, on the <a href="">Butler on Business</a> podcast. (11/20) <br> <br> (15:29) TSA Santa and The Night Before Christmas - A Holiday Poem by Mike Adams "The Health Ranger". Video by YouTube User: <a href=";list=UUl0T0SKaV5rJU81F_QUCakw&amp;index=19&amp;feature=plcp">ConspiracyScope</a>. (11/23) <br> <br> (17:24) Alex Jones reports: Ron Paul defends growing secessionist sentiment sweeping across the country. Video by YouTube User: <a href="">TheAlexJonesChannel</a>. (11/25) <br> (25:20) Ron Paul right on Gay Marriage - Patrick Riggins for WNOX News Talk 100.3 (Knoxville, TN). Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="">PatrickRigginsShow</a>. (11/25) <br> (37:10) Ron Paul for President of the Republic of Texas? <a href="">Mike Church</a> for Founder's TV. (11/26) <br> <br> (40:34) Undoing the Constitution? Judge Andrew Napolitano gives <a href="">FBN's</a> Tom Sullivan his perspective. (11/26) <br> <br> (43:19) The Hope for Freedom in America – Ron Paul hails homeschoolers in Farewell Address. Generations Radio with Kevin Swanson on <a href=""></a>. (11/26) <br> (1:02:07) On <a href="">The Mike Church Show</a> - Congressman John Duncan on Iraq War Vote and Conservatism. (11/26) <br> <br> (1:04:21) SC State Senator and RP Republican  Tom Davis will take on Lindsey Graham in 2014 - Video archived at <a href="">St. Andrew's (SC) Patch</a>. (11/27) <br> <br> (1:24:38) Farewell and thanks to Ron Paul! From Sam Bushman &amp; Friends at <a href="">The Liberty RoundTable</a>. (11/27)