TNA Chat Live 11-29-12 now archived


Summary: On tonight’s edition of TNA Chat Live, the BronxFather broke down the latest of what’s been going on with Impact Wrestling, including the Brooke Hogan/Bully Ray angle, Devon calling out Samoa Joe for the TV Title, and some positive news about TNA, including some very promising advertising ventures, and a decent buyrate for Turning Point. When the phonelines were opened, Bronx took a call from AnthonyFarley, who will be Bronx’s opponent in an Epic Rap Battle next week on Wrestling News Live. And then, the unthinkable happened. The unimaginable happened. After a long hiatus, the one, the only, the Outlaw of the IWC the Treydawg called in to chat with Bronx and update everyone on how he is doing! Apparently he’s doing very well, and he discussed some Attitude Era and some old school nWo! Bronx threw the format out the window, as he and Trey talked everything from technology to wrestling. The BronxFather and the entire SNS family were thrilled to hear from Trey! Bronx ended the show with a call from “The Voice of the Voiceless”, the Sensational Sean, before ending an amazing edition of TNA Chat Live!<br> <a href=""></a><br>