Advanced Audio Blog S2 #20 - Top 10 Norwegian Writers: Per Petterson

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Summary: Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Per Petterson Den norske forfatteren Per Petterson ble født i Oslo i 1952. Han har mottatt en rekke litterære priser, blant annet litteraturprisen fra Nordisk Råds, litteraturprisen fra Norsk kritikerlag og Brage-prisen, som han vant to ganger, i 2000 og 2008. Bøkene hans har også nådd prestisjetunge lister som 5 Best Fiction Books i 2007 som er publisert av New York Times og 10 Best Fiction Books i 2007 publisert av Time Magazine. Bøkene hans har også blitt oversatt til nesten 50 forskjellige språk. I tekstene sine tar han opp alle slags familietema, inkludert følelser i forbindelse med tap og sorg i en familie. Boka som regnes av mange litterære eksperter som hans gjennombruddsroman var "Ut og stjæle hester". Romanen fra 2003 fokuserer på et par tvillinger og er full av doble betydninger. Den handler i stor grad om andre verdenskrig og nazistenes okkupasjon av Pettersons hjemland Norge. Når man senere spurte om hvordan det historiske emne fant veien inn i romanen, sa Petterson at han snublet over ideen mens han forsket og skrev boken. Han sa de doble betydningene kom mens han arbeidet og var ikke opprinnelig tiltenkt. I tillegg til å være en dyktig forfatter er Petterson også en bibliotekar. Før han begynte å skrive på heltid var han også en oversetter, litteraturkritiker og ansatt i en bokhandel. Han har kalt Raymond Carver og Knut Hamsun som to av de store forfatternee som har hatt innflytelse på arbeidet hans. ----Formal English---- Per Petterson Norwegian novelist Per Petterson was born in Oslo in 1952. He has received numerous literary awards, including the Nordic Council’s Literature Prize, the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature, and the Brage Prize, which he won twice—in 2008 and 2000. His books have also been named to prestigious lists like the Five Best Fiction Books of 2007 list published by the New York Times and the Ten Best Fiction Books of 2007 list published by Time Magazine. His books have also been translated into almost fifty different languages. In his writings, he deals largely with family issues of all kinds, including the feelings that are evoked by major losses within a family. The book that many literary experts regard as his breakthrough novel was Out Stealing Horses. The 2003 novel focuses on a pair of twins and is full of double meanings. It deals largely with World War II and the Nazis’ occupation of Petterson’s homeland of Norway. When later asked about how the historical topic found its way into his fictitious novel, Petterson said he stumbled across the idea while researching and writing the book. He said that the double meanings came about as he worked and were not originally intended. In addition to being an accomplished author, Petterson is also a librarian. Before he started to write full time, he also was a translator, literary critic, and bookstore clerk. He has named Raymond Carver and Knut Hamsun as two major influences on his work. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!