3 Months Old: Working Out Schedules

Baby Time: 0-3 Months Old show

Summary: Listen to Baby Time: 3 Months Old At 3 Months Old and over 15 and a half pounds, Jack has already reached some amazing milestones, growing so fast and being in such good health. This past week, he reached another milestone: turning over from his back to his tummy! In the meantime, Dan is trying to get his telecommuting schedule formally approved while already working a couple of days at home. Kerry is hoping to figure out how many times she'll need to pump her breastmilk at work while not alienating her coworkers. And Jack's parents quickly discuss how Jack will be taking a trip on an airplane this fall: do you listeners out there have any tips for travelling with a baby under a year old? If so, contact us at hello@babytimeshow.com or leave a comment on our website.