Don't Give Up, Give Back - Turning Your Passion Into Action

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: As much as we love making money, we all know there's more to life than just making money.In this epsiode, we talk with a woman who has overcome a number of obstacles to achieve success in business, investing and even in parenting!Rita Khagram was born into a culture that didn't empower women.  Undeterred she set off to make it in business, but at an enormous personal price.Determined to repair her relationship with her daughter, she sold her successful business and because she didn't get good advice, ended up losing everything.But she didn't give up.After investing in her own investing education and seeking out wise counsel, Rita applied her new wisdom to acquire a large portfolio of properties and build another successful business.  And she rebuilt her relationship with her daughter.Then a profound experience on the streets of India have given her a higher purpose for her money-making ventures.  Now her life is more focused and fulfilling than ever.You're going to be inspired and encouraged when you hear Rita's story.  Enjoy!The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training, perspectives and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter at