EPISODE 229 – Mexican Bimbo

Who Asked You? show

Summary: Much like the Lucasfilm/Disney news of last week, another story has swept the web in a blaze of commentary, confusion, ranting and most of all parody. Hostess Brands, the company behind classic junk foods like Twinkies and Ding Dongs announced that it's closing its doors and will be ceasing operations. Tired of staring at memes of Twinkies in coffins on their Facebook feeds, people stormed their local grocers and ransacked the snack aisle hoping to get their hands on what soon could be a forgotten food. One last Suzy Q for the road... a final Donette to say goodbye. They taste extra sweet this time... oh who am I kidding? Donettes have no taste. Still, while some were buying up their nostalgia, others were seeing a business opportunity. It didn't take long for packages of these pastries to pop up on eBay. A quick search found a 10-count box of Twinkies priced at $21-million! This Ho Ho hysteria may all be a little premature though. It's already rumored that the world's largest bakery, Grupo Bimbo which is based in Mexico, could pick up a Hostess recipe or two and soldier on the sugary snacks. I doubt they're going to vanish. So be patient... they'll be back. And if they aren't, we've got a recipe to make Twinkies at home below in our Show Links. Mike is back this week and we get his opinion on the before mentioned Disney acquisition. Being the biggest STAR WARS fan of the group, his opinion is important to note. Also, being the biggest STAR WARS fan of the group you'd think he'd heard the news before this week's show... you'd think anyway. A couple of happenings in TV and movies to note this week. The BEVERLY HILLS COP series is moving forward. They've cast Brandon T. Jackson as Aaron Foley, the son of Axel Foley who is now working as a cop there. Eddie Murphy is expected to make cameos if the series gets picked up for a season. In other casting news, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN sequel has found its Mary Jane Watson. Actress, Shailene Woodley won the part. Meanwhile, we've learned that the villain will be Electro and Jamie Foxx is up for that role. To gif is to create one of those little gritty images that, if animated, plays over and over. It's a favorite amongst the meme creators and the word gif is the Oxford Dictionary word of the year. At least here in America. As Charlie points out though, it's not really a word, it's an acronym. You'd think people who write dictionaries for a living would've caught that. A new company from Walmart is offering a home delivery service of snack foods for just $7 a month. The foods which may or may not be widely available on the market are to be rated and reviewed on the site in exchange for points. Those points will earn you more snacks for free! Would any of us sign up for this? Find out on today's show. In Breaking News we pay a visit to Amsterdam where the world's worst hotel can be found. Thin mattresses, no bath towels, bad smells and dirty carpets make things rather hostile at this hostel. And get this, the place has been in business for decades! In fact, the shitty conditions are part of their marketing strategy, and it's working! Young travelers are staying there because it's super cheap and for the novelty of it. Would the Who Asked You? Crew spend the night? Stay tuned to the end of the show for the answer. And now I'm off to try and find some Twinkies. I've eaten maybe five of them in my entire life, but for some reason, I've got a hankerin' for 'em. See you on eBay! SHOW LINKS: TopSecretRecipes.com: Hostess Twinkie Recipe Hiffington Post: Mexican Mega Bakery May Save Brands From Hostess Liquidation Nationalize the Twinkie! Petition "Beverly Hills Cop" (The TV Series) on IMDb Follow Brandon T. Jackson on Twitter @brandontjackson "The Amazing Spider-Man" Movie Website Access Hollywood Jamie Foxx's Official Website Shailene Woodley's Official Website Goodies.co - Get snacks delivered to your home! WalmartLabs - Creators of Goodies.co.