ETL Alpha-series #6: Advanced Spread Basics (from the new book!)

The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot--EVER!! show

Summary: I sat down with Beth today and we talked specifically about the things you MUST DO to get a high degree of accuracy and precision in a spread. These are some of the "advanced basics" from the new book Advanced Tarot Secrets which is being written now and should be available after the first of the year. This is all super-easy stuff but these techniques alone will double your abilities as a tarot reader--literally overnight (go ahead and try them for yourself and see). You be the judge. We covered blind spreads and the importance of having a good question (and why, and how...), how cards answer questions individually and how they work together to paint a larger picture. Knowing and applying this makes your readings more in-depth and wow's your clients, turning them into raving fans (of you!). New exercise here: grab a stack of index cards--they will be your best friend. Also don't forget the spread protagonist. We covered this in this episode. That and the links at the end to where you can find everything (free). Thanks for listening :-)