Episode #73 – Geoff Has Body Image Issues

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP73_Geoff_Has_Body_Image_Issues.mp3Download the MP3 of the showJon Huntsman has a terrible website. Seriously. Time to fire the social media and digital communications staff. It turns out General Authorities can’t take part in political campaigns. Who woulda thought? We long for the days of Apostles serving concurrently in the Eisenhower administration. *sigh*… Richard Bushman, author of Rough Stone Rolling and other works, responds to the humorous, yet false nature of “The Book of Mormon” musical…. not the book. The book is true, people! Al is in love with a story about what he alleges is every missionary’s fantasy. What a terrible, terrible person. This land is your land, O Canada! Mormon.org on Times Square appears to be yielding results, at least in terms of traffic. Hey athletes, put your church first and stop hosing around with money and fame. Links: ABC and the “Mormon Moment” Is the “Mormon Moment” good? Vote Huntsman because he speaks Chinese? In DC and hate driving to the temple? Take the shuttle! Mission before baseball Bushman weighs in Nigerian chess champs! GAs can’t campaign Of Missionaries, tabloids, and leggy women O Canada! Times Square Mormon.org   Progress at Brigham City Temple