Episode #76 – Fox Is Not Your Friend

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP76_Fox_Is_Not_Your_Friend.mp3Download the MP3 of the showWe come to you live from exotic Myrtle Beach, SC! Myrtle Mayhem! Ainsley Earhardt, a Fox News correspondent, says that Mitt Romney is “not Christian.” This has really incensed not just Latter-day Saints, but many Mormon apologists across a wide religious spectrum. Fair and balanced. Right. Noted blogger and social media magnate Jesse Stay writes and insightful and inviting piece about reasons to believe the Church. This is one of the better reads we’ve come across in some time. The Church’s tax-exempt status has been called into question as the Church seeks to mollify those who would attempt to strip it. Utah Democrats are rocking the casbah. France is getting a temple! Awesome! This sparks a discussion about general Church administration, namely the rationale behind temples in places where the work is actually receding. Lil Wayne and Jimmer. Together forever. The Mormon Times is gone! Well, sorta. Touch me for luck: Christiangate Basic story on Fox news and Romney Op-ed criticizing Fox News Joanna Brooks has her say Jesse Stay’s great piece Church’s tax-exempt status Utah Democrats Temple in France Toronto consolidates missions Li’l Wayne raps Jimmer Angel Moroni tops Brigham City Temple