Episode #82 – Barbara, Did You Know?

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP82_Barbara_Did_You_Know.mp3Download the MP3 of the showEarthquakes! Hurricanes! Michelle Bachmann would have us believe that God is punishing DC. Geoff reports from the ground. A bishop is hit with felony charges for failing to report a sexual assault on one of his flock. How do bishops balance discretion and confidence with a duty to report lawbreaking?Joanna Brooks has some tough questions for LDS politicians. Joanna Brook is all over the news this week. Jimmer’s getting married. Get over it. To find out how his honeymoon will be, see Episode #53. How does Mitt’s experience distributing welfare and assistance as a bishop play into his political views? Assorted: Mormons on NPR, 18 year-old missionaries, temples help property values, a new MYC building, and Warren Jeffs is in a coma. Whoopie! Links: Bishop charged Spires break off DC Temple in quake NPR and the Misunderstood Faith of Mormons Joanna Brooks asks the tough questions Goodbye, Melvin J. Ballard Building. Hello, Jacob Hamblin Building 18 year-old Elders. Yikes Property values and LDS Temples – FAIR Mitt and welfare Bowling, Geoff’s mom, and the Mormon Times I Represent the Lollipop Guild