Episode #84 – War of Orcs

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP84_War_of_Orcs.mp3Download the MP3 of the showJudas We are joined by the folks behind the “Most Interesting Mormon in the World” YouTube vids – Melissa Parker, Corbin Frost, and Adam Johnson. So kind of them to join us. We had a blast. The tenth anniversary of 9/11 has come and gone. How did you remember? We discuss President Monson’s remarks in the Washington Post, MoTab with Tom Brokaw, and “Chosen People Syndrome” – the myth of, miraculously, no Mormons dying in the attacks of September 11th. A British bus company has forbidden missionaries from tracting on its buses. We predict better adjusted and fewer guilt-ridden missionaries in the future. Other assorted: Payson Temple groundbreaking, Mountain Meadows Monument gets “National” status, a BoM movie (no, not that one), and a new poll showing that Americans still think Mormons are polygamists. Goodie. Links: President Monson’s op-ed “Chosen People Syndrome” Groundbreaking for Payson Temple Mountain Meadows Monument Book of Mormon Movie! Study about Mormons and Polygamy No more bus preaching Follow Adam on Twitter and his website Follow Corbin on Twitter and his website