Episode #85 – Ogre.com

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP85_Ogre_dot_com.mp3Download the MP3 of the showOur analysis of the cultural impact and awesome move by the Church with the Philadelphia Temple, for which ground was broken this past weekend. Strong move by the Church. Senior Missionaries – Why don’t more of them serve? Elder Holland has some ideas. So does the Bloggernacle. MoBach is over. Talk about a letdown. Sheesh. A boring season ends with a boring post-mortem. Geoff went to Iceland. He is a changed man. The actor who played John in one of the temple films was digitally removed and replaced with another actor. Why would the Church bother to yank someone from a twenty-year-old film? We’re really curious about the reasoning behind this. Other stuff: Cow moosick in France, the BYU Student Review is resurrected, Frats and sororities at the U of U are gone, the Payson Temple goes viral, and a little website that got Al into a whole lotta trouble. Links: Payson Temple rendering Desperately Seeking Seniors Elder Holland on senior missionaries John yanked? Temple John, where have you gone? Moosick Goodbye, Frats BYU Student Review (awesome!) Philly Temple   Philadelphia Temple Groundbreaking from Hudson Whitenight on Vimeo.