Episode #90 – Kevlar Pulpits

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP90_Kevlar_Pulpits.mp3Download the MP3 of the showElder Oaks testifies before the Senate. Orrin Hatch rejoices. Joe Lieberman speaks at BYU, says he loves Mitt Romney, and encourages everyone to vote for Romney. Mormons and Muslims need to be better friends. They have too much in common to ignore each other. Let’s make this marriage happen. Jon Huntsman did sorta OK on “The Colbert Report.” (see below) Other: Sapporo Japan Temple breaks ground, Ben Folds cries because of white boys singing hip hop, Awkward Mormon Family Photos… and more! Links: Sapporo Japan Temple Elder Oaks testifies before the Senate Most Americans have no problem with Mormon candidates Joe Lieberman at BYU Mormons and Muslims Awkward Mormon Family Photos