Episode #91 – Nocturnal Adventures With Women

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP91_Nocturnal_Adventures_With_Women.mp3Download the MP3 of the showHappy belated Halloween to everyone. Let’s talk about two things: 1) Why cross dressing is allegedly banned at church Halloween parties; 2) Why Halloween is apparently some sort of free pass to skank it up (and we don’t mean the ska dance). It was hard to miss the New York Times’ really odd article about Mormon Hipsters – Mipsters – and how the way to be cool and Mormon is to rebel a little. Al and Geoff disagree a lot on this one. Google has rectified its injustice against Mitt Romney. Which injustice? Listen in to find out. Homeless people already live in cities of trash, so why are LDS teens in Mesa/Gilbert building cardboard cities? To taunt the homeless? To show they they can build in an hour what it takes weeks for a homeless person to obtain? Jon Huntsman’s daughters are crazy, and not in the fun, hot way of Dubya’s. Ze Links: Mipsters Hispanics and Mitt Romney Google hates Mitt Where does your freshman class come from? Cross dressing and Trunk or Treat Cities of trash Adding Insult to Injury Look What I Made!