Episode #93 – Golden Catholics

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP93_Golden_Catholics.mp3Download the MP3 of the showSome updates on the deaths of two missionaries in Texas. Sad times. One of them was right near the end of his mission, too. Harold Bloom, reknowned jackweed, writes a very biased and senseless op-ed in the NYT. Joanna Brooks responds. Inclusiveness in the Church or exclusivity? What make someone “Mormon”? We’re debating this, especially based on the big tent nature of recent “I’m a Mormon” videos. Are we in a position to judge someone’s “Mormon-ness”? Other news: Over 40% of Americans are “uncomfortable” with having a Mormon in the White House, the Quetzaltenango Temple open house is underway, and good times with angry letters! El Clique: Remembering two missionaries Quetzaltenango open house Bloom article Joanna Brooks’ response Slate and Mormonism A Mormon DJ raver madman 4/10 Americans “uncomfortable” with a Mormon in the White House Folk Music Just Won't Get You This Far