Episode #98 – Sometimes I Wish You Would Accidentally Die

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP98_Sometimes_I_Wish_You_Would_Accidentally_Die.mp3Download the MP3 of the showMerry Christmas from us! We hope you have a nice holiday. Should Al and Geoff walk the Camino de Santiago? SNL has a ball with Tim Tebow, finished with a random joke about Mormonism being right all along! Hooray! Times and Seasons‘ “Mormon of the Year” nominations are open. We want everyone to nominate and second Kevin Beckstrom for his fine work at Zarahemla Times. Or Rachel Vermillion. But really, Beckstrom. Come on! A new study shows a growing gender gap within the Church – a growing ratio of women to men. What are the reasons? What can be done? Likewise, another study officially proves every stereotype one has ever had about the Church. Letter to Utah State – “What about that ‘Mormon problem’?” Assorted news: An LDS father and son court investors for a Ponzi Scheme, using their “Mormonness” as incentive for trust; is multi-level marketing actually against Church teaching?; restored Provo Tabernacle “could be” a boon for Provo; Elder Cook urges a restoration of morality. Linkage: Letter to USU Mormon Choral Organization CD Gender gap widening Study confirms every LDS stereotype ever Mormonism used for investing Provo Tabernacle could be good for Provo Elder Cook urges a restoration of morality Mormon of the Year! Santaquin fires This Is the Same Outfit She Wore to the Testing Center