Episode #103 – Forever Alone

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP103_Forever_Alone.mp3Download the MP3 of the showThe Church seems to approach the battle against gay marriage differently in different states. Minnesota is the latest non-Mormon-heavy state to receive nothing more than a letter read over the pulpit. Why a massive undertaking in California but passive resistance in Minnesota for a moral issue? Political Beat: Mitt’s finances are discloses, the Church apparently owns Burger King, and Mitt’s “surge” in South Carolina mostly consisted of YSA and BYU kids from DC who were bused down (Incidentally, our boy McKay doesn’t even know use the Church’s proper name), Newt’s pastor says Mormons are a cult. Familiar? The Kansas City Temple gets its open house and dedication dates. Jimmer Fredette is your 2011 Mormon of the Year. Yay. Rah. Jimmergasm. Elizabeth Smart is getting married to a cliche Scotsman. Geoff offers his Scottish insider insights. Have you seen the “Dear John” section of DearElder.com? Hilarious. Tidbits: Seminary turns 100, Deseret Books continues to destroy local businesses, “Joseph Smith” on Facebook, and the Top 10 Mormon films. Links: Different approaches to preserving the sanctity of marriage YSA bused to SC Jimmer is Mormon of the Year Romney’s tithing KC open house Dear John Elizabeth Smart’s beau Joseph Smith’s Facebook page Newt thinks we’re a cult Seminary turns 100 Goodbye, family-owned LDS bookstore Top 10 Mormon Films