Episode #104 – Aurally Yours

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP104_Aurally_Yours.mp3Download the MP3 of the show We address our alleged criticisms of LDS church leaders. Seeking understand is quite different from railing against Salt Lake. Elder Marlin K. Jensen has some frank words to share about the state of the Church and how levels of attrition are the highest they’ve been since pioneer days. How is the Church dealing with this? It’s pretty interesting. A man says the Church stole his paintings Updates on how the Honor Code at BYU suppresses freedom of religion. A number of mainstream media stories highlight three great aspects of the Church – garments, tithing, and the nature of the afterlife. Mitt Romney basically denied the First Vision. Great job, Mitt! Links: Elder Jensen and dealing with the modern age Tackling tough aspects of Mormon history Response to BYU not supporting religious freedom The Church – art thief McKay explains garments Mormons and tithing GQ takes on tithing Hell for Mormons NYT – Mormon cuisine BYU is the hottest campus in the nation The best BYUSA candidate ever