Episode #109 – Slate or Blade or Wesley aka Teancum Got Greedy

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP109_Slate_or_Blade_or_Wesley_aka_Teancum_Got_Greedy.mp3Download the MP3 of the showHe Just Got Too Happy With That Javelin So much zany fun this week! The controversial City Creek mall is slated to open in a few weeks, not without some drama. A hardcore action Book of Mormon movie! The next Titanic! An LDS “priest in training” gets in some hot water by showing a wee too much skin. Jesse Stay, the Church’s lead tech guy, has an article on Techcrunch, which is a pretty big deal. Hungary’s fascist government officially recognizes the Church. Does Mitt’s Mormonism fuel his perceived inauthenticity? Slate’s Political Gabfest jumps into the baptism mess, Southern Virginia University gets a new president, the Church sues over some singed land, and contraception is working just fine. Times and Seasons also gave TWiM some love! Links: “Mormon Mall” set to open Book of Mormon action! Hungary recognizes the Church Tune in to Babestation 2 Jesse Stay on Techcrunch SVU’s new president Does Mormonism fuel Mitt’s authenticity gap? Romney loves contraception Church sues over some burns Another Joanna Brooks profile What Mormons can teach the IRS Times and Seasons lists us on Bottgate! Slate jumps on baptisms