Episode #113 – Loud Laughter

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP113_Loud_Laughter.mp3Download the MP3 of the show Join us for the first half of our General Conference recap! We get from Saturday Morning through the Priesthood session. So much great stuff was taught over the past weekend. Love was felt. The spirit was hearkened. Passive voice was used. We still have some assorted news, but we’ll just link to it at the bottom. Let’s keep the spirit of Conference going. Stories: Criticism of proxy sealings Joanna Brooks on sealings Conference infographic Behind the Church’s media efforts Utah isn’t most religious state BYU on the right side of gay students Muslim BYU-H president Hipster Jesus