Episode #126 – Sitting Fatty

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP126_Sitting_Fatty.mp3Download the MP3 of the show This Week in Mormons will change your life. OK, not really, but it’ll at least entertain you for an hour. Mass resignations from the Church in Salt Lake Letter of resignation Why I fired my Mormon handyman. Stupid Age study of prophets’ voices Cher upsets everyone Why are Mormons so ridiculously patriotic? Oil fields disrupt a mission. This isn’t the first time North Dakota has ruined lives. Elder Holland in Africa Missions refine Meetinghouse vandalized in Cedar City Mormon swimmer going to Olympics Family dinner is back! Moms of Mormon missionaries need a support group. Wimps. Percentage of Americans who won’t vote for a Mormon unchanged since 1967