Episode #132 – I Am the Last Dragon

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP132_I_Am_the_Last_Dragon.mp3Download the MP3 of the show Someone mentioned that they miss our snarky write-ups for each show. So here goes! Geoff’s is an internet meme, and his fame carries over to visitors to his Sunday school class. Al turns 30. He bobsleds. He changes worlds. Mitt Romney chooses Paul Ryan. Mitt Romney also has a silly social media campaign. Just silly. “The Most Interesting Mormon in the World” regains its focus. Are DTRs (Determine the relationship) necessary? If you even have to DTR is that a signal of problems? JoBroo (Joanna Brooks) asks whether the Church basically wants us to lie about the nitty gritty of its past and complicated theology. Lies? She also appears on The Daily Show and continues to pretend that Mormons officially can’t drink Coca Cola. Grr. Based on tithing estimates, the average annual income of a Latter-day Saint in the world is about $12,000. Stop dragging us down, Latin America! Assorted: A man gropes a woman and bites another man’s penis all in the same fight! Strong! BYU’s mega-stake center is ready to go; 5 temple weddings for 5 siblings in 1 day. Those wacky Mesa folk. And Mormon couch surfing! Reuters talks Church finances Joanna Brooks hits The Daily Show Does the Church want us to lie? 5 siblings. 5 weddings. 1 day. 48-ward stake center is ready Penis biter Mormon Explorer will let you couch surf within the safe confines of green Jell-O and fry sauce