New Life Live: November 20, 2012

New Life Live! with Steve Arterburn show

Summary: Topics: Marriage, Divorce, Parenting, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Sexual Integrity, Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Dave Stoop, Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions: I have been married 8 months to an immature man, am I free to marry if I divorce? My wife feels like I am taking her role with the kids. Interview with Illusionist Harris III about “The 12 Gifts of Christmas.” Should I be concerned that my 16yo daughter has a Tumbler account online? My husband has been off marijuana for 4 years, when will he be emotionally mature? Praise for Every Man’s Battle and Sustained Victory. Thank you New Life. Suggested Resources: How We Love Our Kids Walking Into Walls Subscribe to the NEW LIFE LIVE Podcast via iTunes or streaming audio from Stitcher, the Smart Radio App.